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Admin's Featured Poem Pick of the Week for January 26, 2004

" In the Winter Window "

Trapped in the space between screen
and glass, summer's detritus: torn,

a web whipped by a gust, a hornet curled
into its fetus-shaped husk, the sun-faded

lacquer of ladybug carapaces crammed
into the cracks seeking haven; a shadow-

box of death. And a lone ladybug huddled
close to the sill, her fragile shell split

in half as I slammed down the window,
shutting out last November's chill.

Flakes, trapped in the metal mesh melt,
disintegrating slow as my cigarette.

I shrug off the lips pressed to my nape,
flick an ash and shiver at how carelessly I kill.

© 2004 Laurel K. Dodge

* This Week's Honorable Mentions:

* Honorable Mentions are in no particular order.

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